Glossary - An alphabetical list of StudyLink terms and definitions.
Our definition for academic best interests
Accommodation types for students
Our definition for alternative contact person.
Our definition for approved course.
Our definition for cash assets.
Our definition of a child.
Our definition for supported child.
Our definition for client number.
Our definition for concurrent study.
Our definition for conjoint study.
Our definition for Consumers Price Index.
Information about the characteristics of a de facto relationship
Our definition for deprivation of income.
Our definition for a disability or health condition.
Our definition for education provider.
We work out your study workload by using a measurement called EFTS (Equivalent Full-time Student). Usually, 0.125 EFTS is equivalent to 15 credits or points at your education provider.
Information about the StudyLink establishment fee
Our definition for extramural
Our definition of lifetime limit for Student Allowance and Student Loan.
Our definition for limited full-time.
Our definition for being ordinarily resident in New Zealand.
Our definition for other dependent students.
Our definition for parental home
Our definition for parents.
Parents' income - thresholds, limits and what's counted as income
Our definition for partner
Payments relating to a severe weather event have an income and cash asset exemption. This means it won't affect any payments you get from us. This only applies to specific severe weather events, and it only lasts for 12 months.
Our definition of principal caregiver (in relation to a dependant child).
Our definition of recognised relationship for Student Allowance
Our definition of residency requirements for Student Allowance, Student Loan and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
Our definition for residency status or type
Our definition for secondary school.
Our definition for special circumstances for extensions to the Student Allowance lifetime limit.
Our definition of stand-down for Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
The Youth Guarantee programme provides some 16-24 year olds with an opportunity to participate in a range of courses free of charge.