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Children/Supported children
Our definition for supported child.
This definition is different for a Student Allowance and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
For the Student Allowance a child is someone:
- who is under 24 years old and lives with you at least 50% of the time and
- whose well-being and financial support is your responsibility.
This can include:
- stepchildren
- children at boarding school
- adopted or whāngai children
- grandchildren
- mokopuna.
It does not include children:
- who either:
- earn more than $80 a week before tax
- get a benefit, Student Allowance or another similar type of payment
- for whom you are paid a Work and Income Orphans or Unsupported Child's Benefit.
For the Jobseeker Support Student Hardship and other payments, a child is someone:
- who is under 18 years old and lives with you
- whose financial support is your responsibility.
It may also include a person who is 18 who is not financially independent and attending school or tertiary study up until the end of the school year in which they turn 18.
This can include:
- stepchildren
- children at boarding school
- adopted or whāngai children
- grandchildren
- mokopuna.
It does not include children:
- who either:
- work full-time (30 hours or more a week), including temporary or casual jobs
- get a benefit, Student Allowance or similar type of payment
- for whom you are paid a Work and Income Orphans or Unsupported Child's Benefit.