Making a complaint
We value your feedback. If you submit a complaint, we'll investigate and try to resolve it. We'll do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.
What a complaint is
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction. It can be about:
- service, e.g. the way you've been treated
- practice, e.g. having to provide the same information more than once
- process, e.g. how long it takes to process your application or not getting an update on how it's going
- policy, e.g. residency requirements or how many weeks of Student Allowance you can get.
If you have concerns or a complaint about an education provider, contact the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. They'll advise you about what steps you can take.
Don't agree with a decision we've made
If you don't agree with a decision we've made and want to challenge it, there's a different process to follow. What process you follow depends on what the decision is about.