Review of Decision for Student Allowance
If you disagree with a decision we've made about your Student Allowance, it can be reviewed. This is called a 'Review of decision'.
If you disagree with a decision we've made about another payment, there's a different process to follow.
Kinds of decisions you can review
A few examples of decisions you can review are:
- declining you a payment
- stopping or cancelling your payment
- changing the amount of your payment
- the start date of your payment
- the amount of an overpayment or debt.
How to apply
If you would like help with your Student Allowance review, you can contact a student advocate or support person to assist you. If you have any questions about the review process, call us.
You need to apply within 3 months of receiving our decision. If you don’t, your application may not be accepted.
Step 1 - Before you start
First, email us or call us to talk about the decision you're reviewing and what you don't agree with. It may be that you have extra information that could change the outcome.
If you still disagree after you've talked to us, you can apply for a review of decision.
Step 2 - Complete a form or letter
You can either:
- complete a review of decision form, or
- write a letter to us with:
- when the decision was made
- what the decision was about
- why you disagree with it, and
- anything else you think we should know.
Step 3 - Get your form or letter to us
You can upload your form or letter online in Connect. It can take up to 48 hours for us to receive them.
If you can't use Connect, you can submit details of your review in our online form.
Or you can post it to us at:
PO Box 38610
Lower Hutt 5045
What happens next
We'll take another look at your information and the decision we made. We'll contact you to check that:
- we haven't missed anything, and
- we have understood your circumstances correctly.
We'll send you a letter letting you know whether we've decided to change the decision or not.
- If we change it, we'll let you know what this will mean for you.
- If we don't change it, we'll send you a copy of our initial report explaining why and what happens next.
If we don't change the decision
What happens next depends on if your review is a:
- statutory review, or
- administrative review.
We'll determine what type of review your case falls into and will have put this in our initial report.