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Extra help
We may be able to help with other costs, eg accommodation, childcare, or health and disability costs.
Student Allowance
If you’re getting a Student Allowance, you may be able to get an Accommodation Benefit. We'll pay it to you automatically with your Student Allowance.
Rent, board or owning a home
If you're on a low income, or getting Jobseeker Support Student Hardship or another benefit, you may be able to get an Accommodation Supplement.
You won't be able to get this if you can't get a Student Allowance because:
- your income is too high
- your parents' income is too high
- your partner's income is too high.
Overdue accommodation costs
You may be worried you'll lose your housing because you owe accommodation costs, e.g. rent, board or cabin hire. Talk to your accommodation supplier first, e.g. your landlord or head tenant, to see if you can make a payment arrangement with them.
If you can't make a payment arrangement, you may be able to get an Accommodation Costs Arrears Grant.
You can find out more about this on Work and Income's website.
Moving house
You may be able to get help with things like bond, accommodation costs in advance or moving costs. You can find out more about this on Work and Income's website.
You're 16-17
Your parents may be able to get an Away from Home allowance from Work and Income if:
- you're 16 or 17
- you can’t get a Student Allowance
- you’re living away from home.
Pre-school childcare
We may be able to help with some of the costs of childcare if your child hasn't started school yet.
Guaranteed Childcare Assistance Payment (GCAP)
If you're under 20 and in full-time education, training or work-based learning, you may be able to get GCAP from Work and Income. This payment is to assist with the cost of childcare.
Early childcare education
If you have children aged 3-5 who go to early childcare education, you may be able to get up to 20 Hours ECE from the Ministry of Education.
Once your child starts school
We may be able to help with childcare costs if you need to put your child into before-school or after-school care, or holiday programmes. We may also be able to help if your child is under 18 and you have a Child Disability Allowance.
Flexible Childcare Assistance
Work and Income may be able to help with the costs of informal childcare e.g. a babysitter, if you can't access formal childcare programmes while you're at work or in employment-related study or training.
If you're studying or in training, there may be extra criteria you need to meet.
Costs if you, your partner or child have a disability or health condition
You may be able to get help if you have extra costs because of a health condition or disability. This can be for yourself, your partner or your child.
You may be able to get help to pay for things like:
- health practitioner's visits (e.g. your GP)
- counselling
- prescriptions
- special foods (e.g. gluten free).
Caring for a child with a disability
If you’re caring for a child with a health condition or disability, we may be able to help.
Community Services Card
The Community Services Card can help you with the costs of health care and public transport.
Community Connect programme
You can get a 50% discount on single-trip adult fares on public transport if you have a Community Services Card. This discount is part of the Community Connect programme. You need to apply for the discount through your local transport provider.